Faculty of International Studies
Public Announcement of Full-time Teaching Position in the Faculty of International Studies at Kyoritsu Women’s University(Area of expertise:Japan in a Global Society)
Public Announcement of Full-time Teaching Position in the Faculty of International Studies at Kyoritsu Women’s University
1. Position available:
One non-tenured, full-time teaching position
2. Basic conditions:
One-year contract, renewable annually for up to five years. ?Mandatory retirement age is 65 years old.
Job title (Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer etc.) will be determined according to the employment history of the successful candidate.
3. Place of employment:
Faculty of International Studies, Kyoritsu Women’s University
4. Area of expertise:
Japan in a Global Society
5. Teaching responsibilities:
(i) Courses related to the role of Japan in a Global Society from the Faculty’s ‘Global Studies in English’ program, in which students obtain half of the credits needed for graduation from courses taught in English.
For more details, please refer to the faculty website:
(ii) English language courses
(iii) Seminar courses for first-year, second-year and third-year students
(iv) Graduation thesis seminar
The successful applicant will teach up to eight 90- minute classes per week in each semester
6. Qualifications and experience:
The Faculty of International Studies seeks candidates with the following attributes.
① Achievement in an appropriate field of study and a master’s degree or higher qualification
②Native speaker of English or equivalent English language ability(English teaching or research experience at a university or other tertiary educational institution is preferable.)
③An understanding of the educational aims of the Faculty of International Studies and a willingness to participate actively in events, administrative duties, committee work etc.
④Willingness to plan and participate in departmental study abroad programs for students.
⑤ Sufficient Japanese language ability for communication on a daily basis with administrative staff, students and other teachers. Japanese reading and writing ability is also preferable.
⑥ Willingness to reside in the Tokyo metropolitan area during the period of employment.
7. Start of employment:
April 1st, 2017 (planned)
8. Compensation:?
Salary and benefits will be according to Kyoritsu Women’s University regulations
9. Application deadline:
September 13th, 2016 (All application materials must arrive by this date.)
10. Application documents:
①Resume /curriculum vitae with photo and contact details on the official Kyoritsu Women’s University form.
Please download the form from this link:
Please increase the size of each section as necessary.
If you are making the application from outside Japan, please ignore the sections on the first page related to immigration status etc.
Indicate whether each publication has been refereed and supply a brief summary of each.
Include a list of classes that you have been responsible for teaching.
②Descriptions of two or three educational, research or professional achievements /experiences (up to 500 words each.)Please include copies of any relevant publications, documents or other materials.
③Syllabus for a one-semester course for first-year students (15 class sessions) on the following topic:
Introduction to Japanese Society and Culture in English
④a) Proof of most recent academic qualification (e.g. degree certificate.)
b) Japanese language proficiency certification (if available.)
Photocopies of certificates are acceptable.
⑤Name and contact details for one referee. (Name, position, surface mail address, telephone number, e-mail address etc.)
⑥ (For those with teaching experience only.)
a) Syllabi of recent major classes
b) If the results of teaching assessments (student questionnaires, formal class observations etc.) are available, please submit these along with your application.
Documents may be submitted in either Japanese or English.
11. Selection procedure:
① Examination of application documents, interview, demonstration lesson. (Interview and demonstration lesson are only required for final candidate(s).)
② Candidates will be informed of results in writing after selection is complete.
③ Travel and accommodation expenses will not be paid for interview candidates
Please send all application materials by registered mail to:
The Dean’s Office, Faculty of International Studies, Kyoritsu Women’s University, 2-2-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8437
Mark the envelope clearly in red with the words ‘GSE SEARCH (JAPAN)’
13. Contact:
Please send any enquiries by e-mail.
14. Other:
Please note that application materials cannot be returned.
Personal information and application materials will be treated with confidentiality and will be used only during the recruitment procedure. Application materials from unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the application procedure is over.
Application guidelines will be made available in both Japanese and English. If there is any doubt regarding meaning, the Japanese version will take precedence.
Applicants should understand and accept that the decision of the school with regard to this position is final and that we will not be able to enter into any discussion of results.